

The Opportunities and Challenges of Financial & Investment Disputes Resolution under the New Situation and Inauguration of China Forum of Financial & Investment Disputes

|2018.09.19 14:00-17:45


The Opportunities and Challenges of Financial & Investment Disputes Resolution under the New Situation and Inauguration of China Forum of Financial & Investment Disputes

天津 | 2018.09.19 14:00-17:45



Meeting introduction



Financing and investment have been facing increasingly complex macro-environment. On one hand, wave of defaults leads to a lot of financial & investment disputes, which poses a serious challenge to financing and investment. Meanwhile, new changes occur in the adjudication rules related with financial & investment disputes under the influence of the recent rigorous regulatory supervision in the mainland of China. On the other hand, due to the background of the current international economic and trade situation, especially the China–United States trade war, financing & investment are increasingly influenced by international factors. The promotion of the One Belt One Road strategy provides new opportunities for financing & investment, and the establishment of China International Commercial Court offers a new option for financial & investment disputes resolution.

We have invited guest speakers from various domestic and overseas dispute resolution institutions, industry associations, financial and investment enterprises, and law firms, who will share their views on financial & investment disputes from different aspects. Topics include the current situation of financial & investment disputes, the choice of dispute resolution, and the domestic and overseas experience in settling financial & investment disputes, etc. This event aims at providing a platform for sharing and communicating theoretical and practical issues related to financial & investment disputes, and promoting communication among various domestic and overseas institutions, in order to better seize the opportunities and meet the challenges under the new situation.



Meeting Schedule

  • 2018年09月19日(星期三)
    13:30-14:00 注册签到/Check-In
    14:00-14:30 开幕致辞/Opening Speech 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会副主任、秘书长/Deputy Director and Secretary General, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission王承杰/Chengjie Wang 中华全国律师协会副会长/Vice President, All China Lawyers Association张学兵/Xuebing Zhang
    14:30-15:30 主题一:金融投资争议解决的新形势/Session One: The New Situation of Financial & Investment Disputes 主讲嘉宾/Guest Speakers: 中国保险资产管理业协会自律办公室主任/Director of the Self-discipline Department, Insurance Asset Management Association of China薛永前/Yongqian Xue 中国银行间市场交易商协会自律办公室高级主管/Senior Head of the Self-discipline Department, National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors申世军/Shijun Shen 中国股权投资基金协会前秘书长、世界旅游城市联合会副秘书长兼投资分会理事长/Ex-Secretary General of China Association of Private Equity and Vice Secretary General of World Tourism Cities李伟群/Weiqun Li 美国仲裁协会国际争议解决中心高级副总裁、总法律顾问、公司秘书/Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary from ICDR of AAAEric P. Tuchmann
    15:30-16:30 主题二: 金融投资争议解决的国际经验分享/Session Two: Sharing International Experience on Financial & Investment Disputes 主持人/Moderator: 中伦律师事务所合伙人、仲裁员/Partner and Arbitrator, Zhong Lun Law Firm霍伟/Wilson Wei Huo 主讲嘉宾: 美国Alston& Bird律师事务所国际仲裁联合主席/Co-Chair, International Arbitration Group, Alston & Bird LLP, USAAlexander Yanos 特许仲裁员协会(东亚分会)主席、ARIAS 亚洲区主席/Chair of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (East Asia Branch), Chair of ARIAS AsiaMary Thomson 澳大利亚Frederick Jordan Chambers大律师/Barrister, Frederick Jordan Chambers, AustraliaDavid Smallbone 美国King & Spalding律师事务所合伙人/Partner, King & Spalding LLP, USAJames Berger
    16:30-16:45 茶歇及互动交流/Tea Break and Networking
    16:45-17:30 主题三: 新形势下对于金融投资争议的应对策略/Session Three: The Countermeasures for the Financial & Investment Disputes under the New Situation 主持人/Moderator: 中伦律师事务所合伙人、仲裁员/Partner and Arbitrator, Zhong Lun Law Firm曹丽军/Lijun Cao 主讲嘉宾/Guest Speakers: 北大资源集团副总裁兼首席风险官/Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, Peking University Resources Group王 彤/Tong Wang 英大基金管理有限公司督察长/Chief Compliance Officer, Yingda Asset Management CO., LTD.刘 轶/Yi Liu 中合中小企业融资担保股份有限公司法律部副总监/Vice Director, Legal Department, China United SME Guarantee Corporation于静漪/Jingyi Yu 瑞银证券有限责任公司董事总经理、董事会秘书、法律部总经理/Managing Director, Secretary of the Board of Directors and General Manager of Law, UBS Securities Co., Limited.张 承/Cheng Zhang
    17:30-17:45 闭幕致辞/Closing Remarks 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会香港仲裁中心秘书长/Secretary General, Hong Kong Arbitration Center of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission王文英/Wenying Wang 中国国际经济贸易法学研究会会长、国际商会中国国家委员会仲裁委员会主席/Chief of China International Economic and Trade Law Research Society, and Chair of Arbitration Committee of China C沈四宝 /Prof. Sibao Shen



  • 中国金融投资争议解决论坛
  • 中伦律师事务所


Meeting Venue



中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 京ICP备 14011988号-3